Monday, 5 November 2012

Arthur Wharton Documentary Screening

We had a very successful screening of The Arthur Wharton Story Documentary at The Void Film Theatre at Sheffield Hallam University. 

The Film Theatre was packed to capacity as a group of young people presented impromptu poetry performances  inspired by Arthur Wharton's life. 

The screening included a film about FURD's work in schools across South Yorkshire and was attended by the Lord Mayor and footballers Kim Grant and Brendon Batson. 

Along with 10 year old Louis Affen and writer Phil Vasili, Kim Grant was also part of the Q & A discussion afterwards.

Work Based Learning Promo Films Now Online

A new series of promotional films highlighting the work based learning experiences of students from Sheffield Hallam University are now online.

The one minute films feature students from a variety of media and performance degree courses talking frankly about the benefits gained during placements in creative businesses.  

A 10 minute promotional version of the film can be viewed by clicking the video above.